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seo techniques

Defenition:"Off Page" SEO refers to the text and "inbound" linking from OTHER web site pages to your web site pages. This is a much more difficult if not impossible factor to completely control.

Off Page Search Engine Optimization has been become probably the most important factor in how your site ranks. The internet and world wide web continues to grow and grow at an enourmous rate. Pages of similar topic obviously arise. There might be 100 million web pages on the topic of baseball or 100 million web sites on the topic of web site design and search engine programming. Because of this enormously large database of similar content, search engines began focusing on off page factors in determining relavancy of search results.

Off Page Factors:
Off Page Factors are factors outside of your normal control of the content of your site. They are often referred to by search engine optimization experts as the "inbound links" your site receives from OTHER websites. It is almost like a popularity contest in that search engines factor in how many other websites have visited your site, thought the information was relevant to their site and "linked to you" .

For example say an ecommerce catalog site sold golf clubs on an online shoppin site Bob's Golf Shop, and a well regarded Golf magazine website "linked" to you as "Bob's Golf Shop".

Well Search engines analyze the site that linked to you, AND the "link text" that was linked to you. Be careful though because one to many links of a repeated phrase and search engines will penalyze you and it can conversely reduce your ranking.
Techniques to Avoid:
There are some Off Page SEO techniques used by search engine optimization companies that should be avoided. Using these techniques may result in your site being penalized and or banned.
Negative Off Page Techniques May Include:
  • Avoid using "Free - For - All" link directories , Link Farms, or any other type of directory or service that provides unedited and unverified links. These are frowned upon by search engines.
  • Do not spam your link on any blog, guestbook, feedback page, or any way to artificially insert your site URL links in any way that hurts the content and disrupts the service of another website. For example you "Spam" your website URL on a guestbook of someone elses homepage. This type of spamming technique not only will likely get your site penalized and banned by search engines, but also disrupts the websites of others.
  • Avoid excessive "cross linking" of your own websites to inflate your inbound links. Cross linking multiple sites you have is many times a natural means to serve the visitor relevant content. However excessively cross linking to duplicate content of your own will likely result in your site being penalized.

On-Page Search Engine Optimization Techniques

posted Jun 2, 2011 1:21 PM by anup mondol

Ten On-Site SEO Techniques for Your Website

February 23rd, 2010 | Onpage Optimization
SEO techniques are broadly divided into on-site and off-site categories: off-site SEO deals with the techniques and strategies used away from your site, such as building links from other websites to yours. On-site SEO covers anything which has to do with optimizing your website itself to promote the site in search engines, and as such, it is firmly within your control.  After all, you own the site and have full access and discretion over what is on the site and how the back-end is set up.
Rankpay gives you ten on-site SEO tips for optimizing your website:
Content is King!
Content alone stands out as the number one factor in determining your search engine rankings!
There is no substitute for fresh, relevant and well presented content both for attracting and retaining surfers and potential customers, nor for persuading the search engines to give you a higher ranking.
The ultimate objective of a search engine, especially Google, is to deliver relevant results to searchers on their search terms – anything you provide on your website which demonstrates how relevant you are is sure tio score you more highly in the ranking results.
By providing great content you not only deliver info that the user is looking for, but you’ll be rewarded for it by natural backlinks from people that truly enjoy what you wrote and or providing.
Use an XML Sitemap
A sitemap is exactly what it says – a map of your site.
There are two kinds –  a static sitemap and an XML sitemap.  The static sitemap is usually used by human surfers and is chart of your website, showing where pages are in relation to one another, as well as how the pages link to each other.
An XML sitemap is used by Google’s web crawlers and is invisible to human users.  Using an XML sitemap will ensure that web crawlers access all of the web pages effectively and that none get missed.
Keyword-formatted URLs
A keyword-format url is simple and easy to read and looks something like this:
This is easier to use and navigate with compared to the old-style url format which may look something like this:
Keyword friendly URLs not only help the search engines determine the content and importance of a page, but also helps the users identify the topic of pages by simply looking at the URL.
Meta Tags and Title Tags
Meta tags are used to tell the search engine’s web crawler all about your web page.  They allow web crawlers to index your web page and enhance the visibility of the web page to search engines which provides an advantage in the rankings compared to those web pages without meta tags.
Title tags give the page a description for use by the search engine when it displays the ranking results, and this is frequently the first thing a user will actually see in connection to your site when they come to decide which url they are going to click. Be sure to include your main keyword in your title as well.
You need to optimize the meta tags and meta title tags with your keywords and phrases as well as write them in such a way that they also make sense to human readers.  Do not “keyword stuff” the meta descriptions because this will result in you being penalized.
Use Image Alt Tags for Graphics
Search engine web crawlers are unable to index images because they cannot read them.  One way to impart the information to crawlers is to use the Image Alt Tag – include a short description which is optimized with your keyword and write it in a way so it makes sense to a human reader too.  Be sure that it is an accurate description of the image, as this will help gain extra traffic to your site by those using the Image searches found in most of the search engines.

Avoid Using Graphical Text

As we’ve already seen, web crawlers cannot read graphical images and any text which is graphical will also be unable to be read.  This is a situation which is commonly encountered with text used to describe a graphic and is a further reason why the Image Alt Tag should be used instead.
Use a Robots.txt File
Web crawlers will always look for a robots.txt file on your website because it tells them what they need to index and which web pages should be ignored.  This may seem strange at first that you do not want every page indexed on your site, but there will be occasions when this is beneficial such as  when you are looking to save bandwidth or want to stop web crawlers from indexing irrelevant pages such as feedback forms or your internal search engine tool.
Avoid Duplicating Domains: www and non-www
Many clients maintain websites which are duplicated on www and non-www, for instance:  the www site; and   the non-www site
Effectively you are duplicating content which is usually a very bad thing to do, but in this instance you will not be penalized, however you are spreading the effect of your content and SEO work across two sites for the same purpose.  In other words, use one site or the other but not both – this will ensure all your SEO strategies are focused upon gaining high rankings for one site only and not split between two. You can fix this problem in your htaccess file by forcing all URL’s to either WWW or non WWW.
Build a Good Internal Linking Structure
These are the links through which surfers will navigate between different pages of your web site and may be embedded within the content, or by use of a navigation bar offering a menu of sections and pages of the web site.
The anchor text used for links within the content should be relevant to the page to which it is linking to – this is logical and common sense, but many developers will do something like.
Internal links are used by web crawlers as the internal doorway to the rest of the web site – if you do not have a good internal linking structure, then the risk is some of your web site will not be indexed by the search engines and therefore you lose out on gaining ranking points.

On page seo technique 1

posted Jun 2, 2011 1:16 PM by anup mondol
"On Page" SEO simply refers to the text and content on your web site pages. Basically editing your page and content so the Search Engine can find your webpage when a surfer is searching for your web sites particular topic.

On Page Search Engine Optimization has been around the longest, since the begining of search engines. Search engines used simpler less sophisticated technology a few years ago, and the world wide web was alot smaller. At the time "ON Page" SEO Worked years ago, and it was basically an easy comparison. As the World Wide Web grew larger and larger it became more difficult for search engines to differentiate between your site and other sites. A search on "Autos" may return 100 million + pages that have the word "Auto" on it. So Off Page SEO began to take off as the world wide web and search engines grew in complexitiy.
On Page Elements:
On Page Elements refer to the html tags within the page. They include Heading Tags (

), Title Tags, Bold Tags, Italic tags on your web page. Below is an example of phrase "SEO Company" used in a Heading (

) and Bold () Example:

SEO Company

SEO Company
SEO Company
Notice the difference?
In the HTML Source, The search phrase "SEO Company" Was placed between


SEO Company

In the second version, It was placed between bold tags.
SEO Company HTML tags.
In the third version, it was placed between emphasize tags.
SEO Company HTML tags.
For more information go to SEO tutorial
Natural On Page SEO:
Your Search Phrases should be emphasized in a natural way for both the visitor and the search engine spider. Do not "KeyWord Stuff" your web page, by repeating the search phrase over and over again in your webpage. This will often resuly in a Search Engine "Penalty" and move your sites ranking Lower in the results. For more information go to SEO tutorial
Unethical/Unsavory On Page Techniques:
There are several different techniques known as "black hat" or "unethical" On Page Techniques. Some SEO companies engage in these type of activities and should be avoided. Sooner or later the search engines will catch up to these unethical techniques and the likely result will be your site being demoted or banned from the search engines. We recommend the following unethical seo techniques should not be used.
Negative ON Page SEO Techniques Include:
  • Avoid Using "hidden" or invisible text on your page for the purpose of higher search engine placement. For example the words/text for search phrase "Widget" in the html, the font color has been set to White. The background of the page is also white. Therefore the textual content is actually there, however the words are "hidden" from the surfer. This is frowned upon by search engines and frequently results in your site being penalized.
  • Avoid Using Negative
    htmltags. Div tags, Div tags are division tags. Unscrupulous seo services may insert them into your page with negative x/y coordinates to place content outside of the visible page for the surfer, but the text itself is in the html page. The search engine finds the keywords in the text, yet the surfer does not see it. Again a technique to be avoided and not recommended under any circumstances.
  • Avoid Cloaking or Sneaky Redirects. Cloaking refers to serving up 2 different types of content based on the visitor who is visiting. Is the visitor a regular websurfer, serve up this page. Is the visitor a search engine spider? Serve up this OTHER page specificly for the search engine spider. The other page being served up is typically garbled textual content with no meaning to a human, and is stuffed with various keywords and search phrases. Again this technique is not recommended and will likely get your site penalized or banned from search engines.
  • Avoid duplicate content. Duplicate content means you create one web site, with content on topic a, and then repeat the content over and over again on multiple websites. In theory you could create one website, achieve high ranking on it, and then clog up the search engines with the same content duplicated on multiple domains. Again this is not recommended and should be avoided.
For more information go to SEO tutorial


posted Feb 10, 2011 8:34 PM by anup mondol   [ updated Jun 2, 2011 11:35 AM ]
What is SEO:  SEO is a technique which helps search engines find and rank your site higher than the millions of other sites in response to a search query. SEO thus helps you get traffic from search engines.
This SEO tutorial covers all the necessary information you need to know about Search Engine Optimization - what is it, how does it work and differences in the ranking criteria of major search engines.
for more information go to